Called the South Beach Diet because it Agatson from Miami Florida, an area synonymous with beautiful beaches, fashion, good food and beautiful women like in the series Baywatch. Initially, Agatston make this diet for the interest of the patient's heart disease. But it turns out that given the diet also lost weight to his patients up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks. As a result, people flocked to join practice.
Agatston initial reason for making this diet because he sees the traditional way of losing weight, either by reducing fatty foods or foods high in carbohydrates is often unsuccessful. He then created his own diet, which emphasizes the reduction of carbohydrate consumption. Because according to Agatston, generally overweight is caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which will increase blood sugar levels. Style diet touted copy Atkins diet because they both suggest limiting your intake of carbohydrates and protein and fat consumption.
While not mind being compared to Atkins, but in actual fact is there are fundamental differences between them. Agatston recommends his followers to stay away from saturated fats and advised to consume monounsaturated fats like olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids found in fish. This is not done by Atkins.
Broadly speaking, the South Beach Diet is divided into three stages. The first stage is the most stringent phase, lasts for two weeks. Pretty heavy, but if you run discipline, Agatston promises this diet can lose weight up to 6.5 kg. You are allowed to consume lots of vegetables, meat, beans, cheese and eggs. However, you must temporarily say goodbye to the high sugar content foods and fatty foods, like bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles or fried foods from flour, sugar, candy, or sweet fruit.
According to Agatston, this stage is intended to eliminate the habits you eat carbohydrates or sweet foods in excess. In this way, he says, keingman you to taste the food which is too sweet to be lost gradual. Your weight will be down quite a lot, approximately 4.6 kg. and most of the weight lost comes from fat which accumulates in the abdomen.
Although impressed by weight, in fact at this stage you need not fear going hungry. You can still eat 3 meals enough. In fact you can still eat snacks in the morning and evening, provided the food consumed is not excessive or against the rule base. There is also no prohibition to drink coffee and tea. You still can still eat dessert after dinner.
In the second stage, you can more freely consume a variety of foods. Tapai all kept in reasonable portions. If you like rice, you can come back to eat it. Likewise premises fruits. You can even eat chocolate, though of course you have to choose the type of chocolate that is not too fattening, such as dark chocolate, without the addition of nuts and caramel.
At this stage, your weight will continue to decline, which is about 0.5 to 1 kg a week. Long this stage depends on the amount of weight loss you want. Once achieved, you can directly go to step 3. which is the last stage and the most liberal in the diet, Stage 3 is only intended to keep the weight you are always in an ideal position, because you will continue to be followed for a lifetime. Although there may happen when you are a little complacent or bored after living it for years, you can still go back to repeat step 1 During the two weeks. Then, you can proceed
to stage 3.
With this diet you can still eat well, but your weight will continue to fall. This diet will also improve cardiovascular health while reducing the waist circumference is only with a little perseverance. Agatston says your weight will shrink between 4-6.5 in the first 2 weeks. After that, you can back it down as much as 1 kg per week, so continue until you reach your ideal weight. This diet also makes your desire to chew sweets and rich in carbohydrates will disappear by itself.
Can it work?
This diet seems to support the ideas of weight loss ever attempted, such as reducing the excess sugar, processed foods and lean meat consumption. According to the conventional nutritional experts, in fact the success you lose weight using this diet because this diet is low in calories, not because you reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.
Down But Jackson, a dietitian from the American Dietetic Association, said that this diet can really help people lose weight, and in addition help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, risk of heart attack, cancer and other chronic diseases. This is because the diet is rich in fish oil, fiber and antioxidants, and rich in "good fats" like monounsaturated fat, and low in bad fats like trans fats or hydrogenated oils. Jackson said if he recommends the menu at stage 2 and 3 because it is rich in whole grains, protein and low fat dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits.
The main deficiency is that the majority of food comes from meat and dairy products, so there is little choice if you are allergic to milk or a vegetarian. In the early stages of weight loss will occur is quite significant. But it could have been caused by fluid loss caused by the consumption of carbohydrate restriction, and this could be at risk of increasing your weight back later, which is when you return to eating carbohydrates.
Although this diet also recommends exercise as part of successful weight loss program, but this program only provides limited information and petuniuk about the activities that can be done. "I should have copied the portion for the sport," said Dawn.
To be successful for you
To lose weight slowly and safely, begin phase 2 a week earlier, or from scratch, although you will lose weight only 0.5 to 1 kg. Combine this diet with exercise to increase muscle strength and helps weight loss, as well as other health benefits.
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thanks for tips to lose weight
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