During this time you might just think that antioxidants present in green vegetables or fruits. And, in fact antioxidants can also be found in many other foods. Materials can be sourced natural antioxidants and nutrients and non-nutritional substances. Which belong to the non-nutritional substances are polyphenolic compounds and tannins. While nutrients act as antioxidants are vitamins A, E, C, riboflavin, carotenoids, zinc, manganese, copper, and selenium. Therefore, you can obtain materials from a variety of food antioxidants.
Some foods are far less known as a source of antioxidants and you should notice from now on are:
Good news for fans of chocolate. In the dark chocolate contains flavonoids (antioxidants that protect the heart). Flavonoids prevent platelets, the blood sticking together and clumping that can cause heart attacks. A study by the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Illinois, the United States even found that chocolate has the same potential with red wine in preventing heart disease. One cup of hot chocolate made from two tablespoons of chocolate powder (without milk) contains more flavonoids than red wine glass.
Brown seeds are also rich in carbohydrates, fiber, protein, B vitamins, and minerals. In fact, brown seeds are also a major source of proanthocyanidin, the protective compounds are also found in grape seed extract. The content of caffeine, theobromine, and phenylethylalanine can improve mood, stimulate the central nervous system, and stimulate the muscles. So, no wonder chocolate is often the favorite food they're sad.
The heat of the chili was comparable to the benefits. Capsaicin, the compound in peppers that makes the tongue 'burn', is an antioxidant that serves to protect the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and against carcinogens (cancer causing). Not only that, peppers also contain lots of vitamin C and can be decongestants (nasal congestion relief) and a natural expectorant (to launch the mucus from the throat). So, if you have a cold or flu, it could not hurt you to eat foods that are spicy, like a bowl of hot meatballs with sauce. The nose of the 'dead end' can be saved, at least temporarily.
Recently started a lot of oatmeal consumed by Indonesian people, especially for breakfast, because it is practical and capable of the stomach long enough. Although it is generally eaten as they contain carbohydrates and protein, actually oatmeal also has antioxidant ingredients, namely phytic acid (a type of fatty acids). One bowl of oatmeal can lower cholesterol, because of the compound beta-glucan (a type of fiber that can affect cholesterol absorption and production). That way, more cholesterol is removed from the blood circulation.
As with any family members other nuts, almonds are rich in nutrients in 100 grams of almonds contained 16.9 g protein, 4.2 mg iron, 250 mg calcium, 20 mg vitamin E, 3.1 mg zinc, and 0, 92 mg of vitamin B2. Therefore, it is not wrong if almonds are also incorporated into functional foods as an antioxidant. Some penenlitian done even show that almonds can reduce heart disease risk because it is rich in monounsaturated fats can lower LDL ("bad" cholesterol), while increasing HDL (good cholesterol). In addition, almond oil is rich in fatty acids that can moisturize the skin and kills bacteria. Therefore, almond oil is often used for skin care products.
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