Is it true that watching TV for hours can make a person fat? Yes, if you continue without disadan snacking snacks while watching. The longer you watch, the more food you consume. In addition, because the show is so engrossing, you forget yourself and not move one bit from the seat. Over time you know yourself .... wah deh!
However, there are actually other things that can make your weight soared. Would you believe that men also have a 'contribution' is important in increasing your weight? Try to remember: of course he never invites you to dinner at his favorite steak restaurant, often require you to provide her favorite soda (makes you tempted to taste it too, right?), Or buy you a variety of expensive chocolates as a token of love.
That's all it can 'tear apart' your noble intentions in an effort to not get fat. Moreover, there is no doubt, by his side is certainly more fun than sweating in a gym or a jog in the morning, right? Then, how? Actually you do not need to avoid a date, let alone decide a relationship, or create a distance with it (for those of you who are married). There is another way out that you can do, so you can still maintain the slimness, and of course keep your boyfriend or her friends a fun date. Check out the trick!
The event date is dangerous
The problem,
When you're in love, various kinds of feelings going on in the chest. Excited, nervous, happy, annoyed mixed into one. As soon as 'chaotic balaunya' emotions, so you 'do not have time' memikirkan'makanan. The result was predictable, your weight is becoming less and less alone. Then, because your jeans are now loose, you then think, can eat anything and not have to exercise. Do not let it happen.
The solution,
Eat, but only slightly. In fact, when you lose your appetite though. Reduce eating only lowers your metabolism. With your back to eating normally, your weight will not only come back like before you date him, but also gained a few pounds.
Eat meals in small portions that contain a balance of carbohydrate and protein every three to four hours. For example, crackers with light cheese or a bowl of vegetable soup and chicken.
The problem,
almost every night the two of you try a new restaurant. You might think, an opportunity like that should not be wasted. So, you order all the tempting menu.
The solution,
Okay you often eat out, as long as no 'jor-rod. Avoid foods that are fried or contain lots of sauce. If it wanted to taste it, you can just order it. But, eat half of it.
The problem,
Last night the two of you watch the VCD into the night. While the next day you have to get up early, because there is an important meeting in the office. As a result, your sleep time is reduced.
According to some studies, those that sleep deprivation will often overeat to compensate for their decreased energy levels. In addition, they are also reluctant to exercise, being too tired.
The solution,
Limit the event to have fun 'till late at night. If you wish to do so, choose a weekend (or do somewhat earlier). And resist the urge to overeat the next day by eating a healthful diet. Try increasing the energy to exercise. Maybe you Meras not powered to practice. However, you should always be pumped. Therefore, do a simple exercise, like jogging or brisk walking.
The problem,
You want to always be with him wherever you are. If he was not anywhere near you, this world feels empty and you are 'lazy' to do anything, including exercise. In fact, before this you are known as a sports mania.
The solution,
Invite your partner to practice with you. Although it does not like sport, when I saw you wearing a sexy sports clothing, secured his desire to practice will emerge. Or both of you can also do outdoor sports together. Not only fun to practice, activities will also make you both appreciate each other each other's bodies in a broader perspective.
Moments of fun
The problem,
Every time you eat a lot, your body weight instantly soared. While your partner is not experiencing the same thing. In fact, portions of which he ate two times greater than you. Upset taste! However, it is a man capable of consuming more calories, because they are generally taller, have more body mass, and weigh more heavily than women.
The solution,
Jakanlah in smaller portions. Enjoy truly first three bites. Stop as soon as you feel full. The first mouthful mouthful-is indeed the most satisfying mouthful. Once it senses your taste buds will begin to saturate.
The problem,
always wanted to be with anytime, anywhere. However, it seems you are both now running out of ideas.
The solution,
Do not let it make you both then reluctant to do activities together. Try searching for other activities that are also fun. For example, go to a concert, not just movies. Or dive, not just swimming. Importantly, your time is not only filled with a meal together. You prefer to stay at home? Okay. But that does not mean you are sleeping or lounging all day, right? Why do not you move your sports equipment to the front of the TV? Thus, you can practice and also still be able to watch your favorite shows together. Or instead of munching a burger, the better you do sit-ups or stretching.
The problem,
Knew he loved you, so does the contrary. Her love you both so deeply, so that concerns you is not mere physical appearance. 'Well, okay my body fat? "So maybe your mind.
The solution,
It is true, should you both love each other without any conditions. However, it does not mean you can override your healthy habits. If it's physical appearance is not a major concern, try to increase the pot-life bags. For example, with a fixed diet and exercise regularly. The better you feel about yourself, the better your role as a partner.
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