Diets do not always have to be excruciating. At least that's according to some experts. Not only nutritionists, sports medical doctor, psychologist, and a healthy lifestyle consultant was trying to give some simple advice. For example, drink plenty of water or eating more or less the same amount every day. In essence, instead of torturing yourself with super-strict diet that makes you nervous, it's better to develop the right diet and healthy as early as possible, before your body is 'blooming'. indeed need to do weight-loss diet, do it the right way under the supervision of a physician. To trim, also need the business. However, if you know the strategy, it is not complicated.
Lets say you really need to diet. To support the diet program, you are trying to develop good habits. The edges will help you maintain your diet and maintain weight. One of them is the habit of reading labels calories listed on food packaging. This will not only train you to be a consumer matter, but also know the type, ingredients, nutritional value, and great food calories that you consume.
Eventually you will care more about material that you eat. Also how big the risk is to make you fat. Another habit that you can try is to eat the night before at 18:00. Dinner is three to four hours before bedtime is good for digestion, the body's metabolic system as a whole, and weight. Dinner is not too late to give the opportunity to tidy up the work of digestion is faster. Result of metabolism also had time to use. Instead, dinner before bed makes the bowels less than optimal. As a result, there will be heaps that are not essential to your body. (PR0F.DR.AU Khomsan, community nutritionist, Bogor Agricultural University.)
Make sure you always get the nutrition necessary to achieve slimmer body shape. Observe that the high slimming nutritious food does not always make you satisfied and happy. Side dishes are fried, like tempeh or tofu, is good. When you're on a strict diet, fried sweet side dish or high calories should be limited. Do not fry means adding fat and calories in food? Making fried foods are high in calories as a friend when joy and sorrow is tantamount to signing a fat contract in the future. (Dr. Elvina Karyadi, PHD, Seam TROPMED nutrition specialist, Regional Center for the Study of Nutrition UI)
Water holds a vital role in almost all biological processes, from breathing, digestion, circulation to the body. Water transports nutrients and remove toxins from the body, another benefit for those who diet, water makes hungry bear. Fresh water, either cold, warm, or hot, will not make you fatter, because the water contains no calories (zero calorie). Drinking a glass of cold water, when the desire to snack. Sprinkle with lemon juice (without added sugar), if you want ice water with different sensations.
Drinking water was getting out of bed or just before bed to ease the hunger that arises when waking up or going to sleep. Drink water before it is time to eat, so the stomach will feel full and the desire to take food in large portions is reduced. Anyway, do not forget to drink lots of water. The rest, of course you have to change the wrong diet into a healthy diet and nutritious. This is better than you do a super-strict diet. (PINNY P. SUTEIO, dietician, nutrition consultant and lecturer.)
One of the key principles in the diet is to choose complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates, like sugar, sugary foods, white rice, white bread, instant noodles, chicken porridge, sweet foods or drinks having a bad character for the body, by contrast, complex carbohydrates, like brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal , cassava, maize, or bananas, more profitable.
Insulin response of complex carbohydrates to the body happens slowly or bit by bit. That is, because it is released gradually, the blood sugar tends to be used optimally, so the possibility for stockpiled or stored in fat cells is reduced. The resulting energy levels are also high in complex carbohydrates, making it suitable for maintaining stamina during exercise. Complex carbohydrates fattening effect is also smaller.
For example, select the green bean porridge with brown sugar (do not do bubuhi sugar and coconut milk), wheat bread sandwich with low calories for a lai breakfast. Select is also a hodgepodge without a rice cake (replace boiled potatoes), sirloin / tenderloin steak with boiled potatoes. peanut skin, or boiled peanuts. And a dinner of brown rice with side dishes. (DR.PHAIDON LUMBAN Toruan, MM, sports and fitness department, Indonesia Anti-Aging Society.)
Get rid of thoughts about the belly, or can not eat chocolate. Instead, imagine yourself slimmer, fitter and healthier. The more real the image, the more you feel confident to achieve it. Every time I think about eating, for example, ask yourself how hungry you are on a scale of 1-10. If you feel your score is below 5, try not to eat or at least, pause for a moment. When you are really hungry, stop and think whether the food you choose can make you happy or whether the food is healthy enough to help you achieve your goals. If the answer to both questions is no, better choose other foods that are much better for your body. (PETE COHEN, sports psychologist, personal trainer, and coauthor of the book Slimming with Pete: Taking the Weight Off Body and Mind.)
Most women who want to lose weight magnesium deficiency. In fact, the magnesium is useful to convert food into energy, instead of being fat. Therefore, consume more fruits and vegetables fresh or unprocessed. Occasionally, to stimulate your metabolism system, try the juice diet. How, in a day try to only eat or drink fruit juice or fresh vegetables.
Cooking overcooked tend to eliminate the important nutrients in foods. Too often eat food that is too ripe will also make the stomach vulnerable to disruption. Both parts are considered the weakest area, if your diet is poor. In addition to consuming fresh vegetables, try also to more frequent consumption of grain or wheat. That way, you enrich your diet with enzymes that balance the metabolic system berf refugees. Means you also have to help the body make weight loss more healthy way. (Dr. Gillian McKeith, nutritionist clinical practice in Hampstead, London.)
Consistent in terms of calorie intake every day is important. Reducing the size of the meal will only alleviate the body's metabolic system in the short term and can actually increase fat mass and decrease muscle tissue metabolism in the long run. Calorie intake and food composition changing in time can complicate weight loss. In fact, when the average calorie intake per day is still within normal limits (for example, 1500 calories). Therefore, safeguarding the stability of nutritional and caloric intake daily is an important way to achieve a healthy body weight for very long. If today you eat that much, do not the law itself the next day by starvation. Instead, keep food in a reasonable amount and select the types of foods that are healthier. (J0ANNA HALL, lifestyle consultant, specialized exercise and nutrition program weight manajamen at www.
While enjoying your favorite foods, the first bite and the latter will be felt most fun. Moreover, the section between the first and the last bite, not too big means alias will just go away in your mouth. So, select the portion that is not too big to take enough food. Do not be tempted to take more than you want or need.
Pitfalls that often you encounter such temptation too-good-to-miss food (Ah, ... chesse cake is too delicious to pass up). You can just eat cake. But it does not need to take a large chunk, right? Small chunks of savory enough to satisfy. Another temptation is the promotion of the restaurant. For example, you usually eat a plate of spaghetti portion was, however, because there was a promotion you choose large portions. After all, the same price, you can share twice as large. Well, if that happens, you're stuck. (Dr. Susan JEBB, Head of Nutrition and Health, the Medical Research Council's Human Nutrition Center Resen, Cambridge, UK.)
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