
Monday, August 29, 2011

Effect of Obesity on the Brain Performance

Obesity, or overweight, is not so problematic if only a few excess pounds. Overweight condition can increase the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart as well. Recent research suggests that obesity may also cause other problems such as memory, thought and power of analysis is weakened. The good news, an international research team reported that, these problems can be repaired, along with reduced weight.

Previous research has shown a link between diseases caused by overweight with cognitive problems. Cognitive derived from the word cognition, which refers to the brain process of collecting, analyzing and using information. In previous studies, people with heart disease or high blood pressure - diseases that are closely associated with obesity - have a memory, thought and power analysis are lower than those of normal weight.

Health experts define obesity based on a scale called a body weight index (BMI) - This is a mathematical calculation that uses height and weight. To find out your BMI, go to "Calculate your BMI". If someone has a BMI above 30, then that person is categorized as obese.

For the new study, scientists want to find out if obesity can result in lower scores on cognitive tests. The researchers created a study involving 150 volunteers who are overweight. The study was chaired by John Gunstad, a psychologist from Kent State University in Ohio, which examined how the disease affects the ability to think.

Gunstad and colleagues asked 150 obese people to take cognitive tests. The researchers then compared the results of these tests with the test results in healthy people. The researchers found that, in general, volunteers with obesity, testnya results will be lower compared with healthy people. In several tests, including tests of memory, almost 1 in 4 obese people have a very low score so it can be categorized in the "unable to learn" or "disabled."

After the initial test, 109 participants were doing similar surgery to help lose weight. Twelve weeks after the procedure, the participants lost weight about 25 kilograms per person. Gunstad and his colleagues then gave them another test and found that participants who lose weight will get a higher score on the test power of memory.

This does not occur in participants who did not lose weight, either through surgery or other means. The participant is instead to score worse on the next test.

"These results are a little surprising," said Gunstad told Science News.

Effect of obesity on the brain. A collection of nerve fibers in the brain is protected by a white insulation material. Recent research has shown that obesity can damage the material, likely complicate the signal to move from one place to another in the brain.
In another study, researchers investigated the possibility of a connection between obesity and brain function. Scientists use a tool called a magnetic resonance imaging (Magnetics Resonance Imaging / MRI) to look into the human brain. MRI, which uses magnet fields and radio waves, producing three-dimensional images of internal organs.

Gunstad and colleagues used MRI to study the collection of nerves that information to the brain drain. White and greasy substance, surrounds and protects the nerves of this collection. Gunstad and colleagues found a defect in the outer layer of protection on those people who are obese.

"It's not like a cable cut," said Gunstad told Science News, but the damage can be a problem for a signal that tries to move from one place to another in the brain.

Mark Bastin, an expert on images of the brain at the University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital in England, told Science News that the results of MRI studies Gunstad very interesting and thorough. But he noted that the study Gunstad have a small scope, the results can be used as a benchmark for the initial step in large-scale scientific research.

In the brain, obesity can damage the nerve channels. In a larger scope, obesity affects the thinking power, memory and power analysis. In the overall scope, obesity has a very bad for the mind and body. One in three people in the U.S. population, or 72 million people in the United State, are obese, and have a high risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, as well as cognitive problems.

"For a long time, doctors have known that being overweight is bad for your body," said Gunstad. "Obesity can damage the heart and cause difficulty in breathing. Now advanced research, suggests that excess weight can also damage the brain, the main part of your brain that is important to remember and learn new things. This will cause you trouble to do your best and get good grades in school. "

In recent years, the number of children and adolescents who are overweight jumped drastically. "If this pattern continues." Gunstad said, "This will cause the number of people who suffered brain damage and the risk of having problems at work and school," This is why Gunstad provide recommendations for children to protect their brain to maintain weight healthy, berkonsutaltasi on parents and teachers about healthy foods and exercising regularly. In addition, the scientists also argued that "A healthy body will produce a healthy brain."

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This Causes Why Eating Late At Night Should Be Avoided

Some people there who have a habit of eating or snacking late at night. This habit should not be done anymore, because there are several reasons that make eating late at night should be avoided.

The results showed a tendency often eat late at night because it is triggered by stress during the day or sleep disorder insomnia, so someone divert to food.

Even the activities of eating late at night just to make the body gain weight no matter should not be done. Have a habit of eating late at night is not recommended, especially if done almost every day.

In people who do have a habit of this in medical terms is called a syndrome dinner (late night eating syndrome). People with this syndrome will eat heavy meals after passing through the dinner hour is ideal.

Eating late at night can give a bad consequences for health. The following are reasons that make eating late at night should be avoided, as quoted from Buzzle, Saturday (08/27/2011), namely:

1. Affect sleep
Scientific studies found that eating foods high in calories, high in caffeine and spices can make a person difficult to sleep. This is because the body has difficulty in digesting food high in calories and indirectly make a person difficult to sleep soundly.

In addition these foods can also cause anxiety, irritability and pain in the abdomen, this condition will certainly disrupt sleep patterns or waking up at night.

2. Cause weight gain
Eating late at night is very easy to make a person's weight, because people generally do not do much activity at night so that the food intake will be stored in the body into fat.

3. Prone to other health consequences
These conditions trigger esophageal reflux (food turned up to the top) because of the food consumed is not fully reached the stomach but it was straight to bed, triggering the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which caused a mild sensation of burning pain in the chest and heart area. Whereas in people with diabetes, it is late at night can affect the ability of insulin resistance.
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10% Decrease In Body Weight Can Minimize The Risk of 4 Kinds of Disease

For people who have excess weight to flee the gradual weight loss. With the ideal weight is not only beneficial to the body shape. Because the lower 10 percent of excess body weight can reduce the risk of disease 4.

"No one can climb the mountain in one big step, but what is needed is a series of small steps until it reaches the peak," said Travis Stork, MD from the physical faculty of Vanderbilt Medical Center, as quoted from, Friday (14 / 1 / 2011).

Stork said in making small steps such a person will get a very big impact in terms of appearance, health and life. A study in England called the Counterweight Programme see the impact and strength of changes in body weight by 10 percent.

If someone is obese have lost 10 percent of their body weight then he will get benefits such as:
  1. Opportunity 31 percent lower risk of diabetes 
  2. 20 percent chance of lowering the risk levels of blood fats (cholesterol) high
  3. Opportunity 25 percent lower risk of high blood pressure
  4. Opportunity 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and heart attack.
A study in 2009 published The Lancet showed that normal weight is something one expects to live 10 years longer. Because it is a decade that a person needs to be able to relax with your husband or wife and to know his grandchildren someday.

"I do not want someone on a diet to lose weight, but refers more to make food choices and activities and not on the meal plan restrictions that could be more dangerous," said Stork.

Stork revealed identical diet by restricting calories, which means lower metabolism in the body to determine the weight badanjangka length. Dieting will send a signal to the body to slow down the body's metabolism if starving and hold on to existing energy savings.

What is even worse is if someone is constantly running out of food will make the body burn muscle tissue as well as create increased visceral fat is actually an enemy to the body.

For that drastic weight loss does not provide benefits for the body and health as well, but if done in stages that is equal to 10 percent of their body weight a person can get multiple benefits.
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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lose Weight Without Punishment

You may not immediately believe it when told that the most important for you to lose weight instead of eating less but eating differently.

Current research in the field of nutrition shows there is indeed a new way of winning the war against obesity, without dieting and without imposing himself starve. The conclusion was based on an understanding of which foods make you more productive and gives you true energy, as well as which foods only menggendutkan stomach.

Here's how to eat a balk to health while meeting your needs as a person who has a taste.
1. Drink plenty of water.

Drink as much fresh water is one way to reduce appetite. In addition to making the stomach feel full, many people also mistakenly think that they are hungry when in fact only thirsty. Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day, with half a cup to drink during the day.

While you drink water throughout the day, keep in mind that the caffeine in cola drinks, coffee, or tea have a detrimental effect. Caffeine including a diuretic, so it tends to remove water from the body. For that reason, most doctors recommend to those who undergo weight-loss program in order to drink no more than three servings of caffeinated beverages a day.
2. Stay away from fat

Fat makes us overweight because it is much more easily absorbed and stored by the body than carbohydrates or protein. Carbohydrates almost immediately burned by the body, while fat, which is richer in calories, burn more slowly and the excess will be abandoned and draped on your stomach, like a spare tire.

Begin to reduce the fat from the source: Eat less meat, fried foods, and dairy products and fat-rich desserts. Be careful also with a salad doused or flavored with fatty material. In connection with this, you are encouraged to keep the total calories derived from fat limited to 25 percent of all daily calorie needs.

Foods rich in fat have close links with obesity, which in turn is associated with increased risk of developing various cancers. A wise man said, including fat-rich foods causes so many diseases, so it would be nice if we only consume foods that are poor in fat.
3. Do not let hunger

If you replace the excessive calories from fat with calories from carbohydrates, you can actually eat more and still lose weight. So fill your plate with a carbohydrate-rich pasta (without sauce fat), cereal, bread, red beans, fresh vegetables and bush fruits to fill your stomach when you're hungry.
4. Do not be too hard on yourself.

If you can not relax and enjoy your body's downsizing program, eventually you'll lose yourself. No need to punish yourself if you occasionally eat a little cake or meat. If over 80 percent of life is poor you eat foods that are fat, when you're out of town or visiting in-laws house, they enjoy the banquet held the event for you, and do not resist when presented with fatty foods, she said.
5. Face-to continue to reward that awaits you.

Here's good news for you: If you continue with poor fat diet long enough, you will lose your taste of fat-rich makananmakanan. A four-year study of more than 2000 people at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center at the University of Washington in Seattle showed that people who restrict fat intake to lose their desire to eat fatty foods within six months or less, and eventually became not like to type food like that. So hang in there-will be easier.
6. Fired two series of this evil.

Fats and sugars. When the body is given a sugar, it responds by releasing insulin. Because insulin is a type of hormone that deals with storage, this hormone allows the storage of fat cells into the warehouse. So when you eat sugar, keep fat intake at that time as low as possible. In addition, fat and sugar when they are together can increase your appetite to a level that is difficult to control. Sweet foods cause an increase in blood sugar levels, which, due to a chain reaction in the body, making your appetite peaked. Then combine your sweet drinks with fresh fruits or cereals without sugar instead of with donuts or chocolate bars and candy.
7. Eat little but often.

Some researchers support the idea of ​​eating small meals throughout the day instead of large meals three times a day to control the voracious appetite prevents clan.
8. Choose foods that are spicy.

Eat spicy foods to increase your metabolic rate, as this will burn more calories. When people eat foods that are spicy, they usually sweating, a sign that your metabolism is increased. And the faster your metabolism, the more heat generated by the body. Remember, anything that keeps you warm in turn will make you slim. However, beware of foods that are very rich in fat, although it was spicy at all.
9. Start with soup.

Soup as an appetizer tends to reduce the principal amount of food you eat, according to some studies. In a study from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, those who ate soup before eating the main meal usually includes 25 percent fewer calories than those who started the meal with cheese and pastries. The cause may be the volume of space taken up by the soup in the stomach or because most of the calories contained in a soup made up of carbohydrates, not fat, researchers say. Or perhaps there are psychological factors at work.
10. Hold and look at hunger.

If you feel a strong urge to eat as much as possible, do not immediately translate it as a command to eat. Although you may think that the hunger that will make you like run over by a truck 18 wheels, the research shows that excessive hunger is usually coming, rising, peaking, but then declined again. Divert your attention from it with a walk or anything that difficult to do while eating. This will help drive the desire to eat it.
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6 Motivation To Lose Weight

Achieve ideal weight and maintain it would need commitment and support.

Motivation anything that can encourage you to lose weight and keep it off?

1. Improve fitness.

If you want to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life, you need to maintain fitness. Do not forget, the ideal body weight also helps lower the risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.

2. Durable clothes.

Unsightly appearance will make you more confident. Can reuse your old clothes can be used as motivation to lose weight. Although this motivation is not the only reason, but imagine the excitement can reuse old clothes will give you more motivation.

3. Unsightly.

You want to always look good and pleasing to the eye. The reason is often a strong motivation for some people. However, you need to set realistic goals. For example, if you want the weight as when in their 20s, be prepared to be disappointed. Well, the disappointment can lower morale and you'll be tempted not to continue weight loss program. No need to rush to reach the ideal weight. Appreciate the slightest changes that you achieve.

4. Comfortable with yourself.

Losing weight can make you feel better in many ways. Of course, physically you will feel fresh and fit. These physical changes will bring its own satisfaction. Mentally, you will feel better because you are investing in improving quality of life will you reap the benefits in the future. Proportional weight will also make you feel comfortable with yourself.

5. Reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Being overweight can affect overall health. Cholesterol levels and blood pressure are increased for those who are overweight. Besides increasing the risk of developing diabetes or cancer, being overweight can also cause heart attacks or strokes. If you want to reduce this risk, losing weight can be a solution.

6. Pressure from the outside.

The pressure to lose weight usually comes from family, friends, doctors or colleagues. But remember, weight-loss program you are doing is to achieve the target you want to achieve, not by coercion from others. You alone can achieve this target and you, too, who will feel the benefits.
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Monday, August 8, 2011

HypnoSlimming, Slim Without Diet

We have designed the application system that hypnotherapy can make you lose weight 1-4 kg / week naturally. Again, without dieting and without exercise.

To you who've tried various ways to lose weight but always failed, HypnoSlimming will be a final solution that make you slim in the long term or permanent.

Everyone wants to live a healthy life, can move freely, protected from the disease, appear more attractive and feel confident. All that you can get if your ideal body weight. Unfortunately, many people who have excess weight and difficulty to achieve ideal body weight despite spending tens of millions to buy equipment, slimming drugs, or follow a specific program that the results are not necessarily reliable.

We have studied in depth about being overweight or obese. In particular, we also studied the methods of hypnotherapy to lose weight and enhance body shape of hypnotherapy world-class experts with experience in Hollywood celebrities as well as among the world elite.

According to us, obesity is actually a psychological problem, although it looks physically. That's why efforts to force myself to eat less and exercise a lot often fail. If we can reach the subconscious mind, and clean up all the "mind virus" that causes obesity, the body will lean on its own. You may actually be naturally slim without dieting and without exercise.

The program is called HypnoSlimming. A method of achieving your ideal weight with hypnotherapy. HypnoSlimming not only serves to lose weight quickly and safely, but also maintain the ideal weight for a very long time.

Excess HypnoSlimming:
  • Excess HypnoSlimming: Lose weight 1-4 kg / week to achieve ideal body weight.
  • You do not have to suffer hunger.
  • You can eat whenever and wherever you want.
  • You do not need to diet or regulate food.
  • You can eat whatever you want to fill.
  • You do not need to force yourself to exercise.
  • Natural. Without any medication. Safe for health.
  • Become more self love and accept myself as is.
  • The more confident and sociable.
  • You will be treated as well to clean up all the emotional problems associated with obesity.
  • Results of long-term / permanent.
  • Guarantee 100% investment return if the result does not match we promised to you.
For people who do not know the benefits of hypnotherapy, may wonder how we could lose weight without doing serious business. While other weight loss programs usually require us to discipline and to intensify food sports.

We will explain why HypnoSlimming different weight loss methods that you already know. But before that, it seems we need to explain in layman's language, "Why does a person become fat?".

Whether obesity is genetic?

Overweight and Obesity Not Because Factor KeturunanMungkin you've seen one family that all fat, as if obesity is a "hereditary disease". The gene is suspected as a factor causing obesity. But the effect is very small, ie only 30%. Obesity is more due to diet and lifestyle. If there is a whole family of fat, it's because all members have the eating and activity patterns are similar. We all already know, that children tend to imitate the behavior of their parents.

If it was not genetic, is actually what causes obesity?

We will explain in simple language only. So this is real, people become obese is because of eating too much (mostly nutritional intake) and less physical activity.

In other words, income greater than expenditures, so that the excess nutrients deposited in the form of fat in the body. Unfortunately people who are overweight have never used these savings, but instead continued to increase savings by more and more meals each day.

Basic techniques to lose weight is to eat less and / or increase physical activity. In addition to fat removal, all weight loss techniques that exist in the world would use the basic principle of reducing eating and increase physical activity. The principle is: The less you eat and the more your physical activity, then the faster you become slim.
The problem is that most people who are overweight will suffer greatly if they are required to reduce his food. This is due to the already huge stomach that always demands to be met in order to feel full. People who are overweight are generally too lazy to do physical activity. This is a real problem faced by obese people. They are not power hungry and lazy to exercise.

Is there a way to lose weight, which you do not have to suffer hunger, still can eat anything, and do not have to force yourself to exercise?

Of course there is.

The way it is "HypnoSlimming".

You do not need to starve.

You can eat whenever you're hungry. Have you ever wondered why your appetite is larger than others, but your activity mediocrity? If construction laborers, farm laborers, and laborers have much appetite that it is only natural. Because their bodies need. But if your activities for granted, but your appetite a lot and is difficult to control, there must be something less wrong.

Obese people starve because of the difficulty he experienced a "hungry eyes", food addiction, or emotional eating. Hungry eyes mean, we're not really hungry, but because near us there is good food or good food we saw there, then we want to feel your mouth food. The urge was so strong as to feel that you're hungry.

Some people are addicted to food are always encouraged to eat certain foods every day, even every moment. For example, people who are addicted to chocolate brown always provide and carry him wherever he goes, and feel you can not live without chocolate.

Emotional eating is the urge to eat or hunger that arises because of unresolved emotional issues. People who experience emotional eating meals as a way to make an outlet of anger, resentment, disappointment, fear, anxiety, insecure, feeling worthless, stress, depression, or other negative emotions. What characteristics of people who have emotional eating? Its main characteristic is that when emotions are not stable he sought an outlet by way of eating more than usual.

Both hungry eyes, emotional eating, and food addiction is a "mind program" that is embedded in the subconscious mind. Because he is embedded in the subconscious mind, it is almost impossible to resist with determination alone. How many people never determine the will to reduce the amount of food, then his resolve faded in the middle of the road?

Hypnotherapy can eliminate all the problems quickly. So automatically your body and your mind just feel hungry when biologically you are really hungry. You do not have to starve because the program of negative thoughts that always makes you hungry already eliminated. And gradually, your stomach will shrink back to normal size by itself because it was used with a little food.

Weight Loss TurunAnda not need to diet or regulate food.

All participants HypnoSlimming not taught to leave certain types of food. You should not eat anything until filled.

"How?" Yes certainly can. Consider the people around you. There are some people who've never set up or picky eaters.

They ate whatever they wanted and were satisfied, but still slim. Such people are called Naturally Slim or Slim Natural. You can like them if you have the mindset and habits like them. Hypnotherapy will help you to instill new habits and patterns such as the Natural Slim.

All you need to do is accept the suggestion that we provide during the session of hypnotherapy and let the suggestion that work within you. In your subconscious mind will be embedded "Naturally Slim Program" that will control the body, mind, and your actions, so you have a pattern of activity as people who Slender Natural. You do not need to regulate food, your body will adjust automatically.

You do not need to force yourself to exercise.

Actually, you do not need to exercise to lose weight. Simply by reprogramming your mind with hypnotherapy, your body will lean on its own without you needing to do any business.

But if you want to have a slim body but your skin looks wrinkled and saggy due to fat loss? Would you have loose skin like a flat tire is shrinking?

Exercise or physical activity which is quite indispensable for toning skin during weight loss process. Do not worry, you do not need to force yourself to exercise. Let your body move naturally, without forced. Imagine what if you suddenly have the motivation or a very strong spirit to do more physical activity. Imagine if you feel lazy to move, lazy sports, traveling lazy, lazy walk, and feeling lazy the other vanish.

Imagine how happy you could be human if active, could move here and there, without feeling forced and not easily tired. Is there a way for it all? Yes there is. With hypnotherapy it is possible. You just have to accept the suggestion that we said when you are in a hypnotic state.

You just have to accept the suggestions given to you. In an instant the spirit move you to increase dramatically. You will not feel compelled to exercise. In fact, you'll like it a lot, like the taste of your love of food.

Eliminate Stress And Add Confidence

Many people feel stress and lack of confidence due to your excessive weight. Obesity is often carry side effects are not confident, stress and despair because it always failed in an effort to slimming. Worse yet, if experienced by adolescent obesity. Trouble getting a girlfriend can cause a sense of inferiority and worthlessness. People who are overweight often feel angry at yourself for not being able to restrain the appetite. On the one hand he wants to trim, on the other hand he could not control her weight.

With the help of hypnotherapy, you can get a positive self-concept, releasing all stress, become more optimistic, and remain confident no matter what shape your body. A lot of people out there who just fat with you, but they're confident, feeling quite happy and enjoy life. You too can be like them if you want. Especially after you get the ideal body weight. Hypnotherapy will not only lose weight, but increase your confidence.

The results last a long time / permanent.

Once your body reaches an ideal weight, then automatically your subconscious mind will command all the functions of your body to maintain ideal body weight. You do not need to consciously try to maintain ideal weight, because when you are able to achieve ideal weight, you actually already have the talent "Naturally Slim".
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Tips on How to Lose Weight Naturally

Losing weight will naturally be more effective (certainly safer) if you know how its practical ways. In a healthy diet and exercise there are lots of tips / practical ways should also do. Among the ways to lose weight naturally to you is:

Do not eat two meals a day: by eating two meals a day means you will lower your metabolism. Decreased metabolism will be increasingly difficult to lose weight, rather than the faster you lose weight instead of your weight gain is difficult to get off. Eat at least 3 times a day course with a portion of the calories a bit dikurangin.

Exercise in the morning before breakfast: it seems this is very extreme, where the question will arise if the energy to exercise before breakfast?, Instead of answers to that question is also there, the energy obtained from burning piles of calories your body instead of breakfast. way to do this slowly, for those not used very likely will quickly show symptoms of discomfort, it could be a headache. Do the exercise in the morning before breakfast with a small intensity then slowly raised. This type of exercise is not specified, do sports you like. This method is very effective for burning calories so you lose weight naturally is not the impossible, could it be a quick way to lose weight naturally and safely.

Tips on how to lose weight the others you can find on this website on another article, please see the section on "related articles".

Bijaklah in finding and choosing a quick way to lose weight.
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Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk

The good news is that reducing body fat reduces the risk of disease. At the University of Pittsburgh, researchers studied 159 people when they followed a weight management program. research target is those aged under 45 and 30-70 pounds overweight. Those who are able to shed just 10-15 percent of their weight and maintain it during the 18-month study showed a significant increase in HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, waist-hip ratio, and blood pressure. In fact, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, decrease body fat is more powerful modulator of cardiac structure of drug therapy

For people with a family history of heart disease, active lifestyle can slow or stop the process of heart disease except for those with a serious genetic disorder. The study, conducted by Dean Ornish, MD, has demonstrated that a comprehensive intervention program that includes regular physical activity, low-fat diet and stress reduction program can even reverse heart disease processes.

Evidence also suggests that an active lifestyle that helps in reducing body fat was associated with a reduced risk of some types of cancers: prostate for men, breast and uterine cancer for women. (Frisch, et al 1985)

In addition, regular physical activity and low-fat diets are successful in treating non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM), and for some patients, it has reduced or eliminated the need for insulin replacement. In general, regularly active adults have 42 percent lower risk for developing NIDDM.
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How To Lose Weight Quickly In Terms Of Nutritional Aspects

1. Take a notebook and for each page into two parts. In the first section write down what you eat per day and the value of energy (carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, etc.) and on the other side of the energy expended.

2. On the first page notice what foods are usually consumed per day, before deciding to attenuate the body seriously. Try to remember what you eat everyday and then see how many calories will you earn based on the record. After that remember to normal daily activities, then consider spending an average calories spent each day. Compare this number! The result? Usually you will be surprised and even shocked that we were so far spent a lot of calories than we entered. And that's what happened during this, most of us are too busy with our work so that forgets our own food intake.

3. Now you have to do this procedure every day (if it feels heavy and can write a single day in which that day was the day that you are very busy), it aims to learn to control your diet and your life. This will be a self-control on a diet, because humans are more happy with something that is visually compared to the memory.

4. Next, you will learn to plan their own diet, so when you have been accustomed to no longer need to take notes and write down every food and beverage consumption in each day.

Now you are accustomed to a way to slim down the body quickly. and the results would not be long before you will be more healthy and of course the body will be thinner.
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Weight Loss for Obesity

True, this special article we provide for those of you who are obese. That is, if you have a fairly high level of obesity then this is the article you should read.
Generally, a person who has difficulty obese can lose weight and this often makes it frustrating to lose weight be as though it is impossible for him.
One important thing that needs to be understood by a person for their obesity is the process of losing weight will seem slow (there may even be that find it very slow). At the beginning of the exercise weight loss will be felt not too pronounced. But after a few months, the decline will start to become faster until you reach the ideal body.

Exercise Program
The program is divided into two parts, namely the program of cardio and weight training program. Do this program for 3 months and every month to increase its intensity.
Cardio program (morning)
Monday: Swim 30 minutes (use a freestyle or frog style)
Tuesday: Walk 15 minutes (if you're tired, rest 1-2 minutes)
Wednesday: Gymnastics sit 15 minutes (see below for motion)
Thursday: Swim 30 minutes (use a freestyle or frog style)
Friday: Walk 15 minutes (if you're tired, rest 1-2 minutes)
Saturday: Gymnastics sit 15 minutes (see below for motion)
Sunday: Rest

Gymnastics sat done with the way you sit dibangku (not sofa):
1. lift your legs up straight ahead and hold for 5 count then lower back. Do as much as 15 reps
2. lift your hands straight to the side and hold for 5 count then lower back. Do as much as 15 reps
After you do a leg lift 15 reps and 15 reps of hands to rest for 1-2 minutes then repeat again until 15 minutes took place.

Weightlifting Program (afternoon)
Do this program 3 times a week, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Bench Press 20 reps
20 reps Lat Pull Down
Squat 10 reps (no need to hold the barbell in this program because weight itself is heavy enough)
Biceps Curls 20 reps
20 reps Triceps Pull Down
Seated Shoulder Press 20 reps
Leg Extension 20 reps
Leg Curls 20 reps

After you finish the Bench Press Leg Curls until then rest 5 minutes then repeat once again start from the Bench Press Leg Curls up again so that you have completed 2 cycles.

Start with light weights first and every time you exercise, increase the weight 2-3 kg (except for the squat do not need to hold the barbell or dumbbell).

Perform this exercise program for 3 months and watch your weight loss. Weigh your weight 2 weeks, do not need more than that.
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10 Tips to Lose Weight

10 Tips to Lose Weight "is not an easy thing to lose weight!", That's the usual comments we hear. All things must be difficult if we do not know how and its direction. Therefore, to lose weight we must also understand how.

There are some great tips for you to run, but here does not include turning the needle body weights that fell Laughing

1. Reduce carbohydrates (rice, bread, etc.) and avoid fats (fried foods, coconut milk).

But do you eliminate carbohydrates from your eating because the body needs carbohydrates remain, just not too much.

2. For eating you from 3 to 6 times a day.

Huh? How? Of course you should make it a half servings of each meal. Then 3 of them eat the extra unnecessary use rice, but fruit or non-fat milk.

3. Avoid sugar in your drinks!

Beverages that bring most troops are sugar soft drinks. It is advisable not to drink it again. Always ask for bottled water if you're eating out. Occasional sweet tea for relief is still not right.

4. Most recent meal 2-3 hours before bedtime
Because the fat began to be stacked when you sleep, and if you eat before bed it will become easy targets for fat accumulation. If you're hungry, it's better to drink only non-fat milk or WRP or something.

5. No more fried foods, replace it with a grilled or boiled
But be careful, usually grilled chicken spread with oil. At best, you say to the cook first, so do not use oil.

6. Cardio exercise (jogging, running, swimming, jumping rope, treadmill)

This type will make you burn fat which accumulates with success. Do the routine every day.

7. Beautiful morning for practice
Practicing in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

8. A healthy walk
Try you can walk if the distance is not too far away. Or when there is a choice between an escalator or stairs, select a ladder! Unless the mall of course that there is usually only an escalator, but you can outsmart your continued walking on the escalator.

9. Take a break to taste

A good resting time is 8 hours a day. Do not over do less.

10. Enjoy your life

Set all your diet and exercise so enjoyable, so there will not be a yo-yo dieting (weight sometimes up sometimes down). If you enjoy a healthy lifestyle you a new one, certainly not until you get bored.
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Saturday, August 6, 2011


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Friday, August 5, 2011

Diet Was Cheap and Fun

One reason people do not want a diet popular is because the diet is expensive. And to make matters worse, already considered expensive, the food can be consumed too bad. People who interpret the food as one of the pleasures of life certainly did not welcome the idea that such a diet.

But actually, the notion that diet is that we form our own from within. If we CHOOSE to think of the diet was cheap and fun, then it is. And if we CHOOSE to think diet is expensive and unpleasant, then that is what we experience.

The basic ingredients of healthy foods like vegetables, brown rice, wheat, potatoes, chicken, eggs, fish, and others are basically the same as the base material of less healthy foods. The difference is the presentation (HOW cook).

Just look at the instigation of food that actually we need to limit sugar, salt, flour, butter, cooking oil, coconut milk, and margarine. Is not to reduce or to avoid foods that contain these ingredients, that means we save on usage? Not to mention the limit fried foods, we also limit our spending in the shop?

Thankful we live in a fertile and rich country like Indonesia. All kinds of spices we can use to improve the taste of food. Nutmeg, pepper, cloves, galangal, lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves, coriander, nutmeg, onion, garlic, scallions, chili, turmeric, ginger ... everything is abundantly available at very affordable prices.

Believe me, I, you, and anyone could enjoy setting a healthier diet. And that again is more delicious and BOARD OF HEALTH NEW that we get from enjoying setting a healthier diet is. This pleasure will not be found if we just indulge in the pleasure that is limited to the tongue.
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